Sunday, October 14, 2012

fun DIY baby room decor

Here is what you will need:  
3 dif sized lids
tape or glue stick
a pencil

Here is what you do:
Trace the lids on your favorite cardstock
cut around penciled outline

How it comes together:
select 3 different color circles
place one piece of tape connecting all three
(on the back and front)
Or if you like, use glue stick

center a photo on your "back-drop"
then taking the leftover scraps of paper,
 cut off the corners and use them to paste on your photo for a cool "photo-corner" effect

                                                                     A step farther:
                                                     with more of the remaining paper scraps
                                                      trace smaller circles using the smaller lids
                                                      cut around outline

the finished project:
tape/glue the smaller bubbles together in threes
place them ramdomly in the wall between the large collages
use single small bubbles as fill to obtain a fuller look
And WHA-Laa! a whole wall is now fun and personal!

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