Tuesday, October 23, 2012

of brothers, a baby, and railroad tracks


             Two of my favorite brothers braved wind and weather to come see me in Timbucktue KY.
Roland all set to ride

Phil cool as can be

It didnt take long for her to love her long-lost uncles!


this little lady loves the leaves


It's hard to believe, but my little Peanut is 10 months old already! This was her photoshoot today:

Sunday, October 14, 2012

fun DIY baby room decor

Here is what you will need:  
3 dif sized lids
tape or glue stick
a pencil

Here is what you do:
Trace the lids on your favorite cardstock
cut around penciled outline

How it comes together:
select 3 different color circles
place one piece of tape connecting all three
(on the back and front)
Or if you like, use glue stick

center a photo on your "back-drop"
then taking the leftover scraps of paper,
 cut off the corners and use them to paste on your photo for a cool "photo-corner" effect

                                                                     A step farther:
                                                     with more of the remaining paper scraps
                                                      trace smaller circles using the smaller lids
                                                      cut around outline

the finished project:
tape/glue the smaller bubbles together in threes
place them ramdomly in the wall between the large collages
use single small bubbles as fill to obtain a fuller look
And WHA-Laa! a whole wall is now fun and personal!

Monday, October 1, 2012

Just for Grandma and Mimi, All about Abigail

Abigail's favorite game is to be chased. As it turns out, it entertains her daddy and uncle Glenn too!

Sooo Big!
                                                         She wants so badly to walk!


Watching a DVD and drinking apple juice

Uh-Oh! Mama caught me!

Mama's little monkey

Kisses for Daddy

Friday, September 28, 2012

Beauty in Design

These darling designs can be yours! Just message me and I would be happy to custom make your little cherub a ruffled frock.